[Salon] Fwd: Watch Theaters of War Online | Vimeo On Demand on Vimeo

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Propaganda par excellence!!   This is right up your alley, Todd.  If you're pressed for time, just watch the trailer.  It says it all.    

I received the above message from a friend, and former high-level USG official the other night, and just finished watching the full documentary. Which adds much new information and more detail to some I’d already been exposed to.

It’s a “Must Watch” documentary for all Americans to see to know how our government operates to maintain our “Perpetual Warfare State.” And the wars we’re dependent upon to maintain our Global Full Spectrum Dominance“ abroad, and "national unity” held together as a “consensus” (Willmoore Kendall’s favorite fascist theme) domestically in support of our Perpetual War, through the kind of advanced “PsyWar” which he would have loved! And which the “Conservative Movement” he helped found was dedicated to creating, as our kind of “National Security State,” by creating an ideology for it.

I hear the pro-war people from both sides, Russia War Hawks,  on the one hand, muttering that the War Against Russia as escalated in 2014 under Obama, once things "settled down” in West Asia, and far more so in 2017 - 2021, under Trump (making them all “Trumpites”), leading directly to what we now have, only under Biden instead of Trump, is the “Good War.” The one they’d always dreamed of for the U.S. in their lifetimes. With “brown-skinned people" not involved (other than the millions of non-White Muslims as part of Russia, making a nice back-door way of killing Muslims), just a massive killing of Slavs (and others overlooked), so there’s no accusation of “racism” involved. Like Germany wasn’t racist with their program to exterminate the Slavs, as an “inferior race,” beginning in the 1930s. 

And asserting that however much CIA/DOD Cognitive Warfare operations (propaganda, at its highest developmental level) is designed to “infiltrate” our very consciousness, to make us “pro-war,” as the science of it is explained well here (as its own piece of the Cognitive Operation): https://www.inss.org.il/publication/the-cognitive-campaign-strategic-and-intelligence-perspectives/; that their “minds” in favor of war against Russia were made up completely independent of any CIA/DOD propaganda. And completely ignoring the pervasiveness of anti-Russian “grooming” through the “culture” we consume, with all types of media platforms, to include fiction, and the movies and TV we watch (but they bleat, “it's just a movie,” like a sheep bleating “It’s just a 'penetrating captive bolt'” while waiting in line at the stockyard). 

On the other hand, China War Hawks (dba the “New Right,” "non-interventionist Conservatives, Republican Party, West Coast Straussians, Trumpites, etc.) have no qualms with killing “brown skinned people.” And in fact, include that as one of the “Traditions” upheld by "Traditional Conservatives” like Willmoore Kendall who always argued it "wasn’t time yet” for “Equal Rights” for African Americans as “consensus” hadn’t yet been reached for that. Especially amongst the Segregationists he represented ideologically. So in effect, was saying, "let the lynchings go on!” As well as killing all the "gooks” in Indochina, and China, as the Traditional Conservatives were so in favor of, and as Trump and Bannon brought back into “style.”  

As with other “brown skinned people,” which this movie shows as well how we’re “groomed” for war against Venezuela, under Trump. Which worked, as a “Non-Interventionst Conservative and a Libertarian went into a podcast together . . . (sounds like the beginning of a joke, instead of the proof it stands for of the intellectual bankruptcy of each) and called for Trump to tighten the sanctions on the Venezuelans” to make the Venezuelans scream, and their children die, as a “Non-interventionist Conservative’s” alternative to “boots on the ground.” As why waste ammo (and money) when you can “kill’em by other means,” and reserve the military budget for “Peer-Competitor Warfare,” as Trump’s “Military Strategy” called for

This “grooming” was particularly cited to in remarks on “Jack Ryan” (which I’ve never watched), Season 2, dedicated to Trump’s war on Venezuela (Season 3 seems to have been dedicated to “reviving the memories” of our Russian “enemy,” a particular tactic mentioned in this documentary, which one sees daily).

I’ve never seen or imagined I would see such war insanity again after the “Cold War” allegedly ended. But even before that, at the end of the Vietnam War and continuing to the present day, our hyper-Militarists (Traditional Conservatives and their off-shoot, Neoconservatives), embarked upon a massive “historical revisionist” project to “sanitize” the Vietnam War, and to accuse the media and anti-war movement of essentially “stabbing us in the back,” while denying they were making that accusation, like in the odious book by COL Harry S. Summers, Jr., a mockery of Clausewitz, presented as “Clausewitizian,” On Strategy, which I explained pretty well here, in my opinion: https://consortiumnews.com/2014/08/06/the-long-reach-of-vietnam-war-deceptions/

In the same time frame and thereafter, DOD/CIA escalated their “Cognitive Warfare” campaign against the American people by “re-writing” military history as always, “we are the good guys,” as with “Top Gun.” And when we lost, always “we coulda won, but for the traitors behind us,” as Stallone, Summers, and others promoted, especially the highest ranking Generals and Admiral who were too stupid to know that what they did, ensured a more calamitous defeat than it would have been otherwise. An entire series of books were published with that theme by “Conservatives,” including with a particularly sharp attack on the media in a 1995 book, still being advocated today, in the attached file: 

Attachment: 8. Reporting on the War.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

As a perfect example of right-wing pro-war propaganda and historical revisionism. As DeSantis, Trump, Hillsdale College, etc., promote in silencing dissenting voices as “Wokeism,” and demand “Patriotic Education” as the “positive” side of “Cognitive Warfare,” as this promotes. And as one can almost hear the “clicking of heels” in response to Trump’s call (can’t see if the author’s arm was also raised): 

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